
i seem to be very off-touch with my surroundings... or is it jus things are happening too quickly... more and more people around are getting attached.. quite surprised to see people u never dreamed off being a couple walking around together... is it jus for the sake of being attached or really out of love?? nvm... jus be happy...
i love the feeling of being surrounded by music... i enjoy staying around at m.c... impressed by talented pple... so cool... i wanna immerse myself in music but how should i path my way towards tt?
was chatting online with chiayi.. being asked abt my plans.. i always told her i wanted to go overseas for uni studies but i dun seem to be enthusiastic enuff.. not doing enuff research and thinking.. but it may be becos i noe my chances of gg overseas is not very high... i noe this in my heart tt's why so passive...my wish to leave this place has wavered... i have forgotten why i wanted to leave in the first place.. wadever...
she wanna do psychology.. i think it's interesting but i thought her interest was in design... has she changed, maybe it's been a long time we've really talked or heard from each other... i'm confused.. i dunno how to path my way ahead.... n i'm still gg round and round in my piles of work... lots to catch up but not motivated at all... i dun see how i can touch the 4As.. long weekend... lost in confusion... confused....


i finally get back my sundays....!! for the past few months i dunno wad i'm busy with but i dun remember staying at home for the whole day on sundays... i love slacking at home on sundays... just lie around and listen to songs... and do housework... such a good form of exercise... and when u see ur house is clean, u feel a sense of achievement.. haha.. it sounds quite crazy but it's true...
anw yesterday had a very very fun day... went for lep orientation.. thou i din get to help much in the organisation , i help to execute... anw i brought a bunch of j1s out to play something like amazing race then we completed our tasks so smoothly and quickly cos we've got a walking street directory in the group... then we got so much time tt we jus sat listening to yulaoshi tell us stories at his hui guan... haha... after tt we taught them songs and played mass game... the mass game is jus sth like catching lah, and the seniors just stood around and shoot our water guns at them... haha.. so fun.. i haven touched a water gun since dunno when... it's so tiring but just fun... i hope the j1s enjoyed themselves too... good job everyone!! after tt went with gg, shell, beng and jiao to ps for a good meal at pastamania... then i was very surprised when gg suggested gg to the arcade... she never look to me as a person who likes to go to the arcade... haha.. new discovery...
haiz... jus some randon stuff.. had this goal setting lesson for ct session... thou the lesson itself is quite funny, i actually thought seriously of my goals... i know i like music very very much, but to set it as my final goal i jus dun haf the courage... but i do hope i can work towards it... mabbe not become a singer or wad but jus sth to do with music... i really hope i can do sth i like as a job... cos i jus met too many of these pple these days.. pple who do wad they like as their job.. they become happy pple...